Finally got around to updating the website. It’s been a busy year and everything has gone topsy-turvy with Covid. However I have been doing lots of zoom workshops for the RPS and Camera Clubs. I’m going to make a special effort (sigh) to keep the blog updated as much as I can. Despite the problems with Covid, it hasn’t stopped me doing plenty of photography and I’ve not had any issues with my creativity or finding suitable subject matter.
I’ve re-vamped my Galleries on the website with a new drop-down menu and some new images. Added some additional pages, like a workshop page detailing all the Zoom presentations I am now doing. There are also pdf leaflets available to download with details about the workshops.
I’ll add some further blog posts about the new work I am doing this includes some projects I’ve been working on over the lock-down period and other photographic work.
I upgraded to the Fuji XT4 in April and I’m really pleased with additional multiple exposure features there now is on the camera. Previously I was only able to do double exposures on the Fuji X series cameras. Now there are 9 exposures and 4 blend modes to play with and it has given me so many more options and means I can be so much more creative with my image making.
As you can see from the images below I’ve been having lots of fun creating abstract images using blend modes and film simulations. I’ll try and do a blog update on these.
Hopefully I will get some time to make some new videos and I’ve been practising film making as part of a new project I’m doing.
In the meantime I hope everyone is doing okay despite the difficulties we have all had to face this year.